Building an animated piano keyboard with JavaScript and MIDI
How I built a simple on-screen keyboard for my jazz piano tutorial website
All* my macOS keyboard shortcuts
*Not literally all, but certainly those which I find most useful, and which also might not be all that widely known.
Tripods: an HTML5 puzzle game
I spent part of lockdown finishing a game I began building in 2013.
Preventing zooming on mobile
How to stop users pinching or double-tapping to zoom.
New side project landing page a toolkit for jazz piano players.
Is iOS?
Working around Apple’s mobile OS
Fuse.js: JSON vs JS object literal speed tests
Which is more efficient?
Real-time RSS news aggregator
An overview of
Running PHP and shell scripts as cron jobs
Automate tasks on your web server with cron
Squiz Matrix keywords
Keyword replacements and conditionals in Squiz Matrix